The Minclusion conference 12 June was a very rewarding event with over 60 participants! We invited a mix of researchers, developers and enthusiasts within the areas of mobile learning and migration. In the morning, the Minclusion team made a presentation of the work we have done so far. We have for example been engaging in a number of networking activities. Our research of investigating the mobile learning area and mapping the existing language and intercultural communication apps has been fruitful. We also presented preliminary results from our first field studies with the newly arrived Arabic-speaking migrants we have been in contact with. In terms of development, the first iteration of our app is ready to be tested with a group of users. In this iteration we have been focusing on authentic speech situations and pronunciation. As keynote speaker, we had the great opportunity to listen to professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme from The Open University, UK, presenting “Personal challenges in social integration and inclusion”. Professor Kukulska-Hulme has experience from several projects within developing apps for migrants and she gave us a valuable insight on the latest research in the area. After lunch, we listened to 11 short presentations about various on-going projects, which we continued to discuss during the mingle, that ended the conference.
Jun 12, 2017

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