In Sweden we celebrate Lucia, the queen of light, on the 13th of December. During this day we had our first event for invited guests, around twenty people. We discussed the development of apps for learning Swedish targeting new arrived migrants. Fika = coffee/tea break and snacks in Swedish. Two of the persons who came were Annika Hansen, developer of the interactive language course hejsvenska, together with her colleague Christina Wingren from Komvux Malmö. Hejsvenska, which has also been launched as 10 apps for Android and iOS is already used by many students and teachers within SFI. Among those invited were programming students at Chalmers, who presented apps that they had developed during the autumn. They had created several interesting foreign language learning solutions for newly arrived migrants. After the presentations of the projects there was an opportunity for testing the apps and fika.
Dec 10, 2016

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